

The Final Word


At a Show Starter™ panel I presented earlier this year, a reality producer in the audience stood up and said, to paraphrase, "This has all been so much doom and gloom!  Is there any way we’re really going to sell a show?"

I really was surprised!  It had not occurred to me that it would be depressing or discouraging to lay out the real way reality TV shows are shopped and sold.  For me, cold hard facts have always been empowering and inspiring.  Yes, I am saying that selling a show is hard.  But I also am saying it is possible!  In fact, I am hoping to make it more probable by giving you the meticulous insider information you need to approach the pitch process in a safer, savvier way. 

You truly can sell a show.  You just cannot sell one with no effort, money or personal commitment.  And once you do it, you may not immediately be rewarded in any way.  But dozens of people still do it every year.  And I hope you do, too. 

I was eight years into a successful reality TV career before I began shopping my own shows and got my first sale.  This book did not exist back then as a resource for me.  I am proud and excited to offer it now as a resource for you.    Please let me know when you sign your first deal.